Clayton Homes of Oroville

Manufactured HomesConstruction, Repair, and Improvement
Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 6:00PM (Nov through Feb we close at 5:00)
Saturday 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Driving Directions:
Hwy 70 South to Oroville, exit Oro Dam Blvd, turn left on Oro Dam and another Left on Feather River Blvd. We're up on the right at 2243 Feather River Blvd across from Applebee's and Dutch Brothers.
About Us
Manufactured Home specialists helping Paradise and Butte county with their housing needs. We don't just offer Clayton Built homes, we are Clayton Homes. Our manager Dustin Youngdahl grew up in Paradise and his family started helping families attain home ownership in Paradise since 1971. We can custom build your new home on your land and we also specialize in having new homes that are move-in ready on land and in parks. We build homes that are move-in ready in Paradise, Magalia, Oroville and Tehama county. Our professional team here at Clayton Homes of Oroville truly cares about you, your home and that you have a smooth happy home building, home buying experience. We have 9 model homes on display in Oroville and 13 move-in ready homes in the field in various stages of readiness. We also buy-land for future home projects. We have multiple lenders that are ready to help finance our clients dream homes and can also help clients layout a plan to improve their credit worthiness for a home loan. We want the happiest clients and we'll treat you right. We have free home tours on Saturdays at our Oroville office with homes ranging in size from 810sf to 2,548sf. We get homes from four Clayton company owned factories so that we can offer you the most options, best choices and best prices. In Oroville we’re located across the street from the new Dutch Brothers, Apple Bee’s and Tractor Supply. Come see our friendly smiles. CSLB# 1072124. Dealer # DL1127080. DOI # 0B71264.