Dates: 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 9 am - 12 pm Laptops provided In MS Excel BASIC topic areas including getting started with terms and navigating a spreadsheet, entry and editing data a beginning modification to spreadsheets are covered. Upon completion, attendees will be able to: Define a spreadsheet and identify spreadsheet components Identify the main components of the excel window Open and navigate workbooks Create a workbook from a template Enter and edit text and values in a worksheet Enter and edit formulas in a worksheet Save and update a workbook, and save a workbook in a different file format Move and copy data in a worksheet Move, copy, and view formulas in a worksheet Use absolute references in formulas Insert and delete ranges, rose, and columns in a worksheet Apply the SUM function to calculate the sum of values use the AutoSum to enter some functions Use the AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, COUNT, and COUNTA functions to find average, minimum, and maximum values, and the count of cells in a range Apply text formatting Customize column widths, row heights, and alignment, and apply color and border formatting Format values as currency, percentages, and ordinary numbers Apply conditional formatting based on specific criteria Copy formatting, apply cell styles, and use Find and Replace to update the formatting for specific content Create charts based on worksheet data, and move charts within a workbook Customize charts and format chart elements Insert a picture into a worksheet use graphics as conditional formatting to represent cell data insert and modify SmartArt graphics Preview how a worksheet will look when printed, use the spelling checker, and use find and replace to update data set page orientation, scaling, and margins, and create headers and footers print a worksheet and a selected range
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
The Training Place-Butte College
Room 133
Please see link attached for more information, thank you.
The Training Place-Butte College
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6161 Clark Road, Suite 1, Paradise, CA 95969 – (530) 877-9356 – info@paradisechamber.com