FREE: to ETP Members, contact etp@butte.edu
Dates : 9/11, 9/18, 9/25/2024: 9 am - 12 pm
In MS Excel INTERMEDIATE I (3-hour session), topic areas including managing workbooks and worksheets, advanced methods of spreadsheet formatting and the use of outlining and subtotals are covered. Upon completion, attendees will be able to: Freeze panes, split a worksheet, and hide and display data in window elements. Set print titles and page breaks Navigate, manage, and print multiple worksheets Create 3-D formulas to link worksheets, and add a watch window Switch between workbooks, and copy a sheet from one workbook to another Create and manage linked workbooks Apply built in and custom number formats to display data in specific formats Apply and modify themes Merge and change orientation of cells to display text in special ways; Transpose data; and add backgrounds and watermarks Create outlines to group and organize data, create custom views, and consolidate data from different worksheets Summarize the data in a worksheet by creating automatic subtotals In MS Excel INTERMEDIATE II (3-hour session), topic areas in the application of creating names for cells and cell ranges, understanding data structure and tables and web sharing of workbooks and worksheets will be covered. Upon completion, attendees will be able to: Use names to make your formulas easier to understand Use the name manager and define 3-D names, which span multiple worksheets Organize data logically, sort it by the contents of its columns, and filter it to show only those rows that meet certain criteria Create and format tables, and use structured references to include table column names in formulas Save a workbook as a web page, and use the auto republish feature to keep the web version of a workbook updated Add and remove hyperlinks in a worksheet Send workbooks via email In MS Excel INTERMEDIATE III (3-hour session), topic areas including documenting spreadsheets with notes, tags and comments and the creation of workbook/worksheet templates including an extensive review of settings will be covered. Upon completion, attendees will be able to: Use auditing features to trace precedent and dependent cells, and trace errors Add and edit comments for a cell and a worksheet Protect a workbook or part of a worksheet from unauthorized access or unintentional changes Share workbooks, merge versions of a workbook, track changes made by various users, remove personal data from a workbook, and mark a workbook as final Change Excel's default application settings Create and modify custom templates
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Dates : 9/11, 9/18, 9/25
Please see link for more information.
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6161 Clark Road, Suite 1, Paradise, CA 95969 – (530) 877-9356 – info@paradisechamber.com