Excellent customer service is critical for increasing sales and profit, employee and customer retention, and sustaining any type of business success. Understanding the nuances of customer service that result in outstanding customer experience is a strategy for success in any business. You will learn the tools to a properly trained team and or staff, improve your customer’s experience, and create a more pleasant environment for everyone.
Training topics include: Advantages of outstanding customer service (i.e., increase sales, customer retention, theft reduction, client expectations);
How to create outstanding customer service (i.e., phone, in-person, virtually); Understanding your customers’ wants and expectations;
How Outstanding Customer Service leads to improved business bottom line, and Examples of Modeling Practices & Behaviors (i.e., scripts, observation, feedback, reward), and more.
Tuesday Feb 4, 2025
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Cost: Free Register Here: https://www.buttecollegesbdc.com/events/
Sophie Konuwa, Director
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6161 Clark Road, Suite 1, Paradise, CA 95969 – (530) 877-9356 – info@paradisechamber.com