The purpose of our Club is to welcome women on the Ridge by providing activities that will introduce you to new friends in our community. Meet at our monthly potluck social on the 4th Monday of the month. It is a time to socialize and find out how to become involved with our activities. We have several small groups that meet to play games, visit local attractions and enjoy the company of others in a social setting.
Monday Apr 27, 2026
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Varies, contact for details.
Free for guests' first two visits. Contact for further details.
Women's Social Club
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Printed courtesy of www.paradisechamber.com/ – Contact the Paradise Ridge Chamber of Commerce for more information.
6161 Clark Road, Suite 1, Paradise, CA 95969 – (530) 877-9356 – info@paradisechamber.com